Article in Wired UK: 'Building transparency in China, one lunch at a time'
After speaking at LIFT 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland, I got to spend some time with co-speaker, David Rowan, who is the editor of Wired UK. David has spent a lot of time researching how the internet is changing Africa. He gave a talk about at LIFT 2012 and wrote an article about it.
After hanging out with Daivd, he asked me to write a piece for Wired's July issue.
It was hard to chose a topic becuase I witnessed so much in my fieldsite. I ended up writing about Free Lunch, a program that I've been researching for the last year.
Here's the article! Building transparency in China, one lunch at a time

I've spent a lot of time with Deng Fei, the creator of Free Lunch. We traveled to participating schools in the country side and to his home. It'll take more than just one article to share what I saw, but this is a start!
I want to thank my amazing research assisstant, Reginald Zhu. Without Reginald, I woudln't have known about Free Lunch. Reginald is also the one who tracked down Deng Fei when he gave a talk at Wuhan University. He was incredibley resourceful and resorted to spy tactics to track Deng Fei down!
Reginald has been at my side for several of our fieldwork trips out to the villages and to Free Lunch's office. Free Lunch was so impressed with Reginald that they invited him to be an intern during his summer break.
My other research assistants, Iris Ruan,Pheona Chen, Allemande Niu, and Shayla Qiu, also provided invaluable support.